Corona Virus (COVID-19) Business Continuity Program

As the landscape of the Corona Virus Pandemic continues to evolve, both within Australia and across the Globe, the management team at Critical Transport Solutions Australia is meeting on a regular basis to evaluate and identify any potential risks, primarily to two key areas of our business; Safety of our Staff/Driver fleet and Business continuity for our Customers.

We understand working within the Healthcare sector, it is now more important than ever to do everything in our power to continue to provide a seamless transportation service to ensure that medicines, vaccines, patient samples and all medical-related products are delivered to their destination with minimal disruption. In order to ensure our preparedness as a business, we have developed an internal Business Continuity Program that is based on the Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery (PPRR) framework.


  • Prevention – Risk Management planning – Incorporates the Prevention element that identifies and manages the likelihood and/or effects of risk associated with an incident.
  • Preparedness – Business Impact Analysis – Incorporates the Preparedness element that identifies and prioritises the key activities of a business that may be adversely affected by any disruptions.
  • Response – Incident Response planning – Incorporates the Response element and outlines immediate actions taken to respond to an incident in terms of containment, control and minimising impacts.
  • Recovery – Recovery planning – Incorporates the Recovery element that outlines actions taken to recover from an incident in order to minimise disruption and recovery times.

Given the constantly evolving restrictions imposed by both Government Agencies and Health officials throughout the World, it is important to understand that our internal program will be under regular review and will almost certainly change from its current form, however, the below table outlines the key components of our continuity plan and ensures our team constantly have safety, hygiene and service resources as their primary focus.


VH = Very High

H = High

M = Medium

L = Low





Preventative Action

Contingency Plan

Flight Cancellations/Delays




·  Check flight status prior to booking

· Pre-book space on regular flight routes to improve chance of uplift

· Always have an alternate flight route prepared in the case of port restrictions

· If within Australia, utilize road freight services where available

· Ensure freight is stored at correct temperature (in event of flight delays)

· Use alternate Airline/Flight where available

· Communicate delays to Customer

· If shipment is temperature-controlled, ensure local office monitors and replenishes coolant as required

Country Restrictions




· Seek approval from local office to proceed with shipping

· Advise Customer of any specific Country restrictions that may hinder collection/delivery

· Monitor Health Authority websites for any Country-specific closures or restrictions that may affect shipping

· In the case of Country restrictions, recommend a change of shipping date until restrictions are lifted (if possible)

· Seek pre-clearance approval if any uncertainty

Staff health/Infection




· Follow Department of Health hygiene guidelines

· Follow all internal Company memorandums around office hygiene

· Restrict Business travel

· Cancel all external visitors until further notice

· Increase contracted cleaning frequency in offices

· Supply anti-bacterial cleaners to all Drivers and staff

· Isolate staff who show signs of infection

· Request Doctor clearance to return to work

· Ensure backup staff are available

· If necessary, divert phones to alternate office

The COVID-19 outbreak is unprecedented in its magnitude and will no doubt continue to present new challenges on a daily basis until the spread is somewhat contained, rest assured however, we will continue to support you to the best of our ability and will communicate any further challenges as they come to hand.

For any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact your local CTSA representative for further advice.


Darren P Michael
Managing Director
Critical Transport Solutions Australia Pty Ltd